Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Outpouring

Round 1 - Day 23

Grace came and it is still coming in all of its amazing forms, colors, shapes and surprises.
Cards, hugs, well wishes, gifts, helping hands, emails, flowers and prayers. Just know I that I treasure them all and thank you for each and every one. The designated card wall in the study will have to be expanded – all because of the grace spilling over. 

And the many words and conversations in person kindly spoken. I appreciate them as well, knowing that the person asking “how are you” is actually taking a risk, since I might actually tell them “how I am” and we could be there for a while.

Cancer is not easy to talk about, even though nearly everyone has been touched by it in one way or another. It's uncomfortable, awkward and many times painful to even bring up in conversation, so thank you for reaching out to me and taking that risk. I know for some of you, it's difficult and it's a sacrifice to do so.

It's also another form of grace pouring down, especially when I needed it this past week. Helping at a University barbecue and attending a family reunion were both causalities as I hit a rough patch in my chemo. A trip to the emergency room was not what I had in mind for Labor Day weekend, but I AM “leaving normal” and with cancer I shouldn't be too surprised.  As I recovered, the couch became my refuge and water my only friend for a while, but I also had an outpouring of grace draw from – thanks to you! I'll say it again, my card wall will have to be expanded.

My family and I can't begin to thank everyone as we would like, so I hope this post communicates in part how very much we have appreciated your support and encouragement since my diagnosis. We are so undeserving, but so grateful!